Aviation Litigation Support
AvCert, LLC provides support to aviation litigation cases through Mr. Doss’ expertise, training and experience. Mr. Doss’ philosophy in aviation is one of uncompromising standards.
Complying with minimum regulatory standards during manufacturing, flight operation and continuing airworthiness maintenance functions are rarely the highest standard of safety that can be achieved. The highest level of safety for flight crew members and the flying public is achieved by manufacturers, flight operators and maintenance professionals who identify, embrace and achieve more than a minimal standard for their product or service.
Mr. Doss received accident investigation training as an FAA Aviation Safety Inspector and has been certified as an expert witness in civil and criminal cases in both domestic and international courts.
Mr. Doss has testified in high profile cases involving death or injury caused by:
- Aircraft manufacturer failing to comply with their FAA Approved procedures
- Aircraft manufacturers FAA regulatory non-compliance
- Pilot error
- Failure to comply with FAA approved aircraft maintenance or modification procedures
- Aircraft manufacturer failing to amend its manufacturing procedure after a design failure became known
- Aircraft manufacturer’s failure to implement higher safety standards with superior products when known and available.
Mr. Doss offers his vast aviation experience, training and knowledge in support of aircraft maintenance professionals who have been diagnosed with Mesothelioma after being exposed to materials and products containing asbestos fibers (amphibole, tremolite, vermiculite, transite, silicate calsilite, or chrysotile).
Aircraft maintenance professionals who have provided support to either civilian or military aircraft during the 1940’s, 1950’s, 1960’s, 1970’s or 1980’s were exposed to asbestos containing products. Mr. Doss worked on many of the same type and model aircraft and thus has personal experience and knowledge to identify many aircraft products containing asbestos. While Mr. Doss remains one of the fortunate aviation professionals who has not been diagnosed with Mesothelioma, he is committed to helping his fellow aviation professionals who have been.